Back in November, i posted about my 1 year old ferret Pookie.  After his
biopsy, pathology reported that his "bump" was benign and nothing to worry
about.  I worried still and made an appointment with my Doctor for surgery
after the holidays.  Unfortunately again, the only surgery date for full
removal of the mass was February, so in stride, i took it and waited,
noticing that pookies "bump" that was hard as a rock and on his
back/rightshoulder area seemed to be getting a little bit bigger.
February 10th finally came and bright and early i had pookie at the vets
to be prepared to have his lump removed.  The doctor also made note that
she realized that pookies lump felt bigger, and asked permission for
another x-ray.  Of course!  15 Minutes after she called for the x-ray,
she called me back at work with the worst news that any ferret parent can
endure.  Pookies lump had grown from what looked like a mushroom springing
from his back to a barbell, meaning one half was on top of pookies vertebra
and the other half appeared on x-ray as going into his chest.  "the tumor
appears to beginning to push on his trachia and against his heart" the vet
explained to me "we do not feel comfortable in removing this sort of mass".
Sobbing and miserable, i hurried to pick up my half shaven pookie.  The vet
recommended seeing a oncologist to discuss chemo.  I wanted a second
opinion first.  I traveled up to maryland to see Dr.Weiss.  He explained
that surgery was high risk to work around the vertebra and would chance
paralyzing pookie and the mass, since it is hard, is not fully removable
and will grow back.  I could opt for radiation, but i do not wish to put
pookie through anymore pain that what he is said to experience.  As this
mass grows, pookie will most likely loss use of his back legs and most
likely have trouble breathing.  The doctor says i have about 2 or so more
comfortable months with him.  When the time comes, i won't let pookie
suffer or put him through anymore pain than he has to be in.  It is
unfortunate that pookie has had only ONE YEAR to enjoy of life.  he has 6
brothers and sisters.  i don't know how to go about handling the knowledge
that i am going to loose him so soon and so horribly.  how do the other
ferrets cope with the loss of the dominate ferret that they all love?  Why
did this have to happen, at all, so early in pookies life?  he is a MF
ferret and MF has paid for his previous biopsy, but will this happen to my
other MF ferrets?  I know ferrets are little troopers and endure a lot of
pain and not let it be known.  Will i be able to tell when he needs me to
let him go before he is in too much pain?]
[Posted in FML issue 2962]