I am beside myself with worry, and hope someone can recommend something.
Our two 4 yr. olds, Shawn and Rosie, have never had a sick day in their
lives.  Until 2 weeks ago.  We decided to let ferret math hit our house,
and brought 2 beautiful kits into our home.  We were prepared to take
things slowly, and had the new guys upstairs, on a separate floor from the
old ones.  The old guys only saw them once, very briefly, but little Rosie
was instantly upset, peeing all over the place.  She immediately stopped
eating that day.  Within 2 days, Shawn had stopped, too.  Both had green
diarrhea.  We took them to our vet, who is supposed to be a specialist
with exotics and ferrets.  He said to keep them off solid food for a while,
force-feed duck soup, and put them on antibiotics for 7 days and pepto for
3.  Within 3 days, they were looking and acting much better, eating and
drinking on their own, and their poop was almost normal.  We had to leave
for 5 days (a pre-scheduled trip), but had several folks watching all the
critters.  Shawn and Rose did fine for a few days, and then it started
all over again.  We took them back to the vet because they had lost more
weight, and for the first time we could feel their ribs.  Went to visit
today, they are still refusing food, getting liquids subQ, and are going
on IV fluids.  They look horrible, and I haven't stopped crying since.  All
tests are negative.  I am frantic for a solution!  Note: Shawn did throw up
the week before the new guys came in (first time ever).  Any ideas would be
appreciated.  Also, I am not totally happy with my current vet, and would
like recommendations for a ferret vet in the Syracuse NY area.  Please
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[Posted in FML issue 2962]