I just wanted to write why I love Jasmine, now,instead of when she's
gone.Thank you Jasmine for
The cold wet nose touches on my ankles.
The ferrety secrets you whisper in my ear.
The under the door excursions into forbidden territory.
The moving lumps under my coat in winter.
The grass snorkeling safaris.
The upside down sodas.
The heart melting poses on your back.
The extra large pile of the sock herd.
The chase to the hidey hole to rescue my last pair of socks.
The babies you keep in a neat row and lovingly rearrange.
The rough tongue kisses on the nose to get down, please.
The furtive trips to the french fry bag.
The queen of the world attitude.
The ferret karate used on other offending ferts.
The potted plants unpotted.
The midnight dances on the waterbed.
The shoulder rides with the tail mustache.
The clown that keeps me laughing when I want to cry.
The bug killer extraordinaire.
The scent of your soft sable fur.
The heart that you stole with one look.
The warrior spirit you show everyday dealing with this cancer.
All of these things and more are why I'm so grateful that you've spent 5
1/2 years teaching me about life, and sharing your wonderful presence.
I use the ttouch on Jasmine for the arthritis in her hind legs.The pred
tummy she has now makes it harder for her to get around,and it seems to
Sandy,Jasmine,Taz,Honey and Sugar
[Posted in FML issue 2947]