I had no prior warning signs from Fang, but last Saturday he couldn't make
it up the stairs, due to sudden hind leg weakness.  He appeared confused
(disorientated) for the first time, and his appetite slacked off.  I wrote
to Mike and Troy Lynn, and got all the paperwork I needed to study from
them to prepare for possible insulinoma.  I really believed that if he had
it, I caught the signs early ....I took him in for his glucose test today,
(the vet was off on Mon) ; they just called me back.  It was a low 50, and
it sent chills through me.  I was hoping for something around 90,or better,
since he had not shown any signs before this weekend.  I had already
decided on surgery before just pred...I have not slept well since Sat.
night from the worry.  My fear was heightened by the fact that no vets
around here have done this kind of surgery.  (Pancreatectomy).  I would
feel a lot more secure if I had someone like Dr. Weiss to trust.
I got on the phone and found a vet in the closest city who has done these
surgeries before.  I immediately felt a little better when he said he
attended a lecture by Dr.Weiss and he bought the equip. for cyrosurgery!!!!
(for adrenal) I felt I had found someone that really did care about
ferrets, and I was very relieved.  He said he will look at his left adrenal
while he is in exploratory surgery.  He said not to wait, and I have an
appointment in the morning(a two hr.  drive, but I would drive any distance
for my little guy).  I cancelled my teaching job tomorrow and have decided
not to worry about the cost.  I will sell anything I have to, just to buy
him some quality time.  (I hope).
I believe in the power of prayer, and I am asking you Christians out there
in my ferret family to please take a little moment for Fang and ask God to
get him through this.  I am prepared to have him on pred and whatever else
I have to do; (I am intimidated by Bob's Chicken Gravy, but that is my
Thursday project.).  I need your prayers because I have to leave him down
there in the city ..the vet will take him home at night with him.  I don't
know what else to do about that part.  I asked if I could take him home,
and he said he wants to monitor him carefully, etc.  I have to trust this
total stranger, but I figure anybody that attended a lecture by Dr.Weiss,
and bought the cyrosurgery equip must care.  Please say a prayer for just
a minute.  I am so scared, he is my first and only ferret, and I love him
beyond words.  God Bless you all, you have been a rock for each other, and
I need your strength at this time so badly.
Love, Lizzi and Fang
[Posted in FML issue 2961]