Hi all,
Last night, 1/10, my little Finny was helped across the bridge while I held
him in my arms....
I only had him for 6 months, but they were six months of borrowed time.  He
was to be put to sleep in the shelter then, but I brought him home, gave
him treats, gravy, love, companionship and in return he gave me more than I
could have asked.  He fought and won his battle against ECE, and I promised
him then that there would be no more tests and needles if he just pulled
through.  I just didn't think I'd have to honor that promise so soon.  For
Christmas, he gave us normal stools...NO diarrhea!  But so suddenly, he
stopped eating, drinking, and his stools became tarry...he had trouble
breathing by the third day.  By Monday, He was refusing to eat, even his
treats...Tuesday I just held him all day, right up until he was gone......
I'll miss you little Fin, you were a brave guy, and so sweet...it saddens
me that you did not get a little more healthy time to see what it was like
to be loved for just a bit longer.  But now I'll carry you in my heart,
till we meet again....
My heart goes out to others who have lost fuzzies so recently, and to
Kevin....your tribute to Zues is one of the things helping me through this
loss of this little stray that I fell so completely in love with...
Thank you and God bless you in your most trying time.....
[Posted in FML issue 2926]