>From:    Vesper Meyer <[log in to unmask]>
>A friend suggested I be careful letting my cockatiel out when the ferret
>is loose because the ferret might kill it.  True or false????  CBM
True.  The ferret *might* kill it.  Maybe intentionally, maybe just by
"playing" with it.  No sense in taking any chances.  My tiels have a
separate room that the ferrets never enter.  I do have a small parrot in
the living room with the ferrets, but his cage is not accessible to the
ferrets.  Besides, if they actually got up to the bars and tried to put
paws or noses through, he would very quickly teach them that isn't a good
idea - he's a bit territorial ;) But they can't get to it anyway, so it's a
moot point.
If your tiel is flighted and never goes to the floor, you might get away
with it.  If your tiel is clipped, don't even think about letting them out
together, and I wouldn't do it even if the bird could fly.  Just not worth
the worry.
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