Well, I see there is a BIG deal about this remains thing.  I just want to
say that *I* personally would possibly give my ferret remains AFTER I had
time to mourn and if I was going to get them back.  I think perhaps he
should have waited to ask for awhile but I don't see any harm in asking
Those funnel cages, my ferrets LOVE them, but my babies are fat and the
funnels keep popping out.  So I gave up on it.  *SIGH* such wasted money.
Then I bought them a BIG condo that has some of those tubes but not many
and they are to reach each level.  Personally, I would like to ask, why do
they make the platforms SOOOOO easy to break?  It's either impossible to
clean, or you take of the platforms and the little tabs break.  That's
SOOOOOOO annoying.  When are people going to design something that will be
EASY for us to use?  Something that doesn't hold smell, doesn't break, is
easy to clean and is safe for their little feet and not completely
expensive?  *shrug* someday I suppose it will happen.
Again I wanted to thank everyone for helping me when I was looking for my
cinnamon.  Haven't found it, will wait for a breeder.  However I wanted to
say that I had tried to email about the little blaze boy and ended up with
someone else's e-mail that also wanted it, we both thought the other was
the one with the little guy.  *sigh* I wish I could have gotten him.  I
think when I find a new job (just recently lost mine) that I will go peruse
the local shelters for a cute furrkid that needs a good home.
These ferret dreams, well so far I've only had one and it was a
nightmare. :(   I was dreaming that they were taking away my ferrets and
were cutting off their heads for no reason.  Mind you that this dream was
very recently had after reading the posts about the ferrets that bit or
didn't bite someone but was killed for rabies. :(  I hope I don't have any
more bad dreams.  I love my fat furry friends.
I think the hair loss on my little Houdini is blackheads.  How do I get rid
of them?  I try washing his tail very often (not his whole body though,
that's just once a week or once every two weeks depending on how dirty he
gets) but they are still there, have been there for about 2 years now and I
just can't seem to get rid of them.  His tail is bald except the tip and it
hasn't progressed anywhere and he;s still the same old self so I hope it's
just these.  anyone know how to get rid of them quickly?
Thanks.  BTW, I got some ferret pics of my babies if you would like to see.
They aren't the greatest but I figured I would put some up while waiting
for the good ones to get developed.
These aren't very big pics but there are a lot of them so your browser
might time out and say that there are broken or missing images but if you
refresh they will all show up.
www. qwikpages.com/thehangout/vampyress/Ferret//fgallery.html
I hope you think they are as cute as the rest of the world's population of
ferrets!  boy I see all these babies and just want to take them home, but
right now we're at the point of finding specific color/patterns.
[Posted in FML issue 2939]