Hello everybody!  It's soooo good to be back on the FML :-)
I'm the person who posted in mid-December that me and the furkids were
moving from Tucson to Ohio.... well, mission accomplished!  After 3 1/2
days of driving, smuggling weezils into motel bathrooms (after ferret
proofing of course) for a well-needed romp; the "great cage breakout" on
the third day as we were doing 75 on the interstate....The Tucson Terrors
are now the Maumee Mustelids - their new favorite pastimes are sleeping
and growing more fur!
Thanks Joan, Linda and Julie for an 'Ohio welcome' - it's very strange not
knowing anyone, and not having a good vet or ferret sitter.  I'm in the
Toledo area - I'd really enjoy meeting any local ferret people, or any
Ohio ferret people.
I'm also looking for recommendations for local vets, and I desperately need
a ferret-sitter!!!!!!  I found out today that my new company is sending me
out of town next Wednesday through Friday - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Home phone is 419-897-5059.
Peg Francisco and the Maumee Mustelids
Freckles, Frolic, Jersey, Ragamuffin, Snickers and Smudge
[Posted in FML issue 2929]