Two of my girls rub their ears, but they tend to do it specifically when
they are just waking up, ie stretching and rolling around on the floor like
they do.  It looks almost like when a person stretches their arms above
their heads when they stretch, only with such short 'arms', they always end
up with their paws on their ears, which they give a little rub to then.  Is
this the kind of thing Simba is doing?
Also, my First Sighting story: My boyfriend-at-the-time and I were in a
mall, and he wanted to pop into the pet store, since he was thinking about
getting a dog, and just wanted to browse around.  I was fearful, since I
didn't really want a dog, and didn't want him falling in love with a pet
store puppy right on the spot!  But there were no puppies, so we wandered
through the store for a bit, looking at the fish and such.  There was a big
cage at the back of the store, with a hammock made out of a sweatshirt in
it, and no visible animals.  We stopped at the cage, and suddenly, two of
the most adorable little masked faces popped out of the hammock and looked
at us!  Well, we were smitten on the spot - we came back the next day and
bought the whole kit and kaboodle, knowing *nothing* about ferrets, but
learning as we went.  That was about seven years ago, and though Amelia
died many years ago, I still have her sister, Anastasia - my first and
Megan and the Terrible Three:
Anastasia ("I'm not spoiled!")
Lexie ("Sure you are, fat girl.")
Sammi ("But you're not young and cute like me!")
[Posted in FML issue 2928]