The more we find out about all of this the less upset with Amy we are.
Even if this puts us on the opposite side from our friend Denise who we
admire greatly.
>From:    Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Amy's Pleas for funds
>How about responsible breeding?
You are looking for any weapon to bludgeon her with now aren't you?  The
definition of "responsible breeder" isn't maleable to fit only those you
want it to.  Amy is perfectly capable of doing what we did when a placed
kit of ours needed to be rehomed after living in Michigan.  We found her a
new home in Connecticut.  We never left our house.  Amy could do that from
Oz just as easily.
>The Killian's:
>Not all shelters breed.
Did we say they did?  Guess you are scraping about looking for a club for
us too.
>Most shelters never ask for funds on the FML, except to be listed on
>the SOS list.
Gee.  Like us.  Though some of your friends have questioned us in the past
for that.  <shrug>  Some folks just can't win.  Amy never asked before and
just wants a bit of help now.  Though I've gotten the impression that its
paid now.  Its not a large sum she asked for.  Put some real perspective
on it.
>From:    Ferret Wise Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Zens view of shelter beg a thon?
Take note of the from line as you rethink what Alicia said.
>you keep doing this over and over-- it is not Alicia Drakiotes who is
Glad you like ferrets since you are pulling weasel words.  You Alicia do
indeed speak for the shelter and encourage its identification with you
until its inconvinient such as when we point out something.
>but I DO NOT get paid or receive money from any shelter!
Of course not.  We never said you did.  You are setting up strawmen again.
Neither of us get paid by shelters either.
You personally are involved in both breeding and fund raising for a
shelter.  That is ALL we said.  So unless you no longer are involved in
breeding its true.  Simple black and white in this case.  There is nothing
wrong with that at all.
You wear several hats and one is as the representative of the corporate
entity "ferretwise shelter".  But it is STILL you and you STILL sign your
notes as Alicia including the one we are now responding to.  You are the
one who reads and responds to email directed to ferretwise.
Why do you insist on acting like you were insulted?  You were not.
Just to clarify the obsfucation of your clarification.
Though golly you are now putting forth arguments that Amy Flemming should
be allowed to keep her shelter funds and personal/breeder funds seperate.
And that she shouldn't have to make sure all shelter bills are paid before
personal desires are met.
So we have the LIFE president bashing Amy while you are in effect
defending her though you are the LIFE shelter grand poobah.  (Can't keep
up with exact titles)  So are people just looking for excuses to rag on
one another again?  It seems all so silly to us.
bill (diane was on the phone)
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2927]