Oh How I did love the post on the millenium babies by Marge.  So very true
about the "peeping".  One thing to note is that often a jill will not come
into her milk until 24 hours after the birth.  This is normal and not any
danger to the babies.  However, they don't know that or care.  They WANT
DINNER!  Zima has continued to be a real lover.  She climbs out of the nest
box and into my arms to be held while I clean and check the babies.  She is
oh so sweet and never seems to mind my handling the kids.  I call my little
ones dragon babies.  Four of the five have survived and are doing well.  I
have posted pictures every other day since birth.
I wanted to put up more pictures, but dropped my camera and broke it.  Now
I have to hold it together to get the pictures.  Getting a new camera ASAP!
Judith Moon
Moonsong Ferrets bred and raised to be socially acceptable! :)
[Posted in FML issue 2927]