Hello Everyone!
I am fairly new to the FML and this is my first posting :)  I am owned by
two sweet fuzzies, Simba (a 2 1/2 year old male - champagne sable) and Emma
(a 2 yr old female black sable) and we just moved to NYC.  Oh and as a side
note to my fellow NYC ferret owners who are looking for a vet or medical
treatment - I very highly recommend the Animal Medical Center, especially
Dr. N.  Bennett - she is fabulous and has experience with ferrets (e-mail
me privately if you want more info at [log in to unmask])
Anyway, the real reason I am writing - is to ask if anyone has a ferret who
"rubs" their ears/jaws with their paws....I have heard of pawing at the
mouth...but Simba doesn't paw at his mouth - it looks like he is rubbing
his ears/jaw area.  I discussed this with my old vet (before I moved) and
he suggested that Simba have his teeth cleaned...so he did back in October.
But, he is still exhibiting this "strange"??  behavior.  Does anyone know
what this might be???  He appears totally happy and healthy - so I haven't
been too concerned...Should I be?  I'm sorry if this has already been
discussed and I'm bugging y'all with an old situation.
And why ferrets?  Because they epitomize the spirit of young children and
truly know how to appreciate life - and their playfulness, curiosity, and
devious nature totally intrigues me and is never boring!
Thanks for any help you might be able to give me about the "rubbing ear/jaw"
thing....and lots of hugs to all the fuzzies out there ....dook dook
--Isabelle, Simba and Emma
[Posted in FML issue 2927]