Hey all again, I was thinking, my mother makes some BEAUTIFUL handmade
quilts.  I was thinking about getting her to help me make a simple one and
put it on ebay or something like that and auction it off.  Then I can send
money to shelters.  Believe me, she makes beautiful ones.  I can show
pictures of some of them once I get my film developed.  I think it would be
a great idea because I know at quilt shows these would fetch ATLEAST 800
dollars which would go a LONG way to help a lot of ferrets in need.  I'm
talkin, these are hand stitched, not those tied ones.  These are all unique
designs or variations of many popular designs.
Erin Larson
Sr. Office Assistant
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development
4-122 Moos Tower
6-160 Jackson Hall
321 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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Fax: 612-626-7031
"Due to a shortage of devoted followers, the production of great leaders
 has been discontinued."
[Posted in FML issue 2926]