Hi all
Da hammocks are really a big hit as is da All You Can Eat Fruit Bar.  I
didn't realize dat there were so many varied tastes here.  Course I like a
little watermelon from time to time myself.  (dook dook)
A message came down to look in on a little fellow dat came in a while back.
Looked him up in da locator and he waz sacked out in a hammock.  I went
over there to talk to him.  I asked him how he waz doing and he said good
and dat he felt great.  I told him dat hiz mommy was concerned about him.
He said dat he had spent so little time there but dat da time had been
happy and fun.  He said dat it isn't da amount of time but da quality of
luv in da time alloted.  He said dat he waz sorry he could not have stayed
longer.  He said dat he luved hiz mommy and sends her lots of hugs and
(Yawn) Well since I am here, a nap sounds pretty good.  Move over Papaw,
make room.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2926]