[Moderator's note: Amy posted this a couple of days ago, but she mentioned
the names of a couple of people who paid or offerred to pay her pending
vet bill.  Since I know some donor choose to remain anonymous I held her
post untill she received permission to post the names.  Since the topic
is now being discussed on the FML, I'm sending this in with the donors'
names removed, since Amy never heard from one person.  BIG]
First of all I would like to thank XXX for her very large and kind heart.
She has been a very good friend and is a wealth of knowledge.  She gives
from her heart and is very sincere.  Thank you also to YYY for his kind
offer and donation to another lucky shelter.
Secondly, I would like to address the group of folks that sent me nasty
messages regarding my plea.
Many of you told me that I should stop obtaining ferrets and/or breeding
until my vet bills are paid.  How do you think I paid for the bills on my
shelter in the first place?  With money made from the sales of the kits and
out of my own pocket.  When we move to Australia, the money I got for my
breeding stock went to pay for my vet bills.  And I have been paying off
my vet bill to the US since I have been here.
Have I gotten other ferrets since I have been in Australia?  Yes - 2.
Am I getting 3 more?  Yes.  Am I getting more than that?  No.  Well - not
for personal pets.  Any other ferret that we get will be in our shelter.
Thought you should all know that in Australia that ferrets cost about $30.
Some folks even GIVE ferret kits to their friends.  But I do not need to
explain this.  Will I ship kits to the US?  Yep.  In December - and when I
know that it is safe for them to be shipped over.  Australia doesn't have
the pleasure to have ECE, Lymphoma, rabies, or ADV.  They have very limited
cases of adrenal and insulinoma as well (or reported).  Distemper is very
rarely seen in ferrets (not sure if it ever was seen - but they vaccinate)
and it is hardly seen in dogs.
I have never EVER asked for financial help.  The last few shows I attended
we held a "game" to raise money to help with the shelter.  These were the
ONLY donations our shelter EVER got - from anybody - ever.  I always am
hearing of other shelters that get gift baskets, donations, etc.  That is
wonderful - I have even sent some to other shelters.  But our shelter got
nothing as I know many others have not either.
Hopefully other shelters will get kind donations as well.
Amy Flemming
Flemming Farms
Perth, Western Australia
[Posted in FML issue 2925]