I respectfully disagree with the lady who posted about not being willing
to undergo any kind of background check before adopting a ferret.
Given the amount of neglect and abuse shown to animals in our society, I
don't think it's unreasonable for a shelter operator to want to confirm a
few basic things, like place of employment, adequate veterinary care, and a
reasonably comfortable and safe environment.  Failure to do so would make
the shelters no better than the petstores and only further exacerbate the
problem that already exists.
Why should anyone take my word for it that I will provide a better home for
the ferret than the life the ferret has endured so far?  Unless they knew
me personally, how could they possibly determine that?  If I were adamantly
opposed to openness, it would be natural and wise for other people to
wonder what it is I'm trying to hide.
[Posted in FML issue 2925]