This is probably the lamest question anyone has ever asked on here.
Do a majority of ferrets die from diseases like insulinoma and adrenal
My husband and I have had three ferrets for two years now.  All are
healthy, and God-Willing will stay that way.  We researched ferrets before
we rushed into buying our first.  But we never saw a huge emphasis on
the death of ferrets.  Not till I subscribed to FML and met other ferret
owners, did I consistantly start hearing about insulinoma, adrenal
disease, etc.
My question is "do most ferrets succomb to diseases like this or does an
equal number of them die of old age?"
Answers would be appreciated!  Thanks!
God bless the babies!
Julie & her Bubbas (Koz, Baby, Snowball & Storm)
[Posted in FML issue 2925]