excessive water drinking in ferrets re debbie.  one reason i have
encountered with my ferrets 4 jills,1 hob, with drinking disorder over
several days i was puzzled with mine drinking large amounts of water even
when i was watching them, i asked my vet and he was the same (puzzled).I
finally found the answer after i found wild rat droppings near the vicinity
of my outdoor court.  It seems that where the ferrets played in the
garden the rats left a disease called (WEILS DISEASE) which turns into
leprotytisis in animals thus resulting in excessive drinking and eventually
leads to kidney failure and possible death if untreated.Luckly the vet
worked a miracle and all survived.
As to the ferret list it is excellent reading it not many members from
[Moderator's note: At least a few dozen subscribers from UK.  I encourage
and appreciate posts from outside of the States -- I wish we had more,
But, yes, I'd say about 90% of the posts are from the US. BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2925]