>From:    Sunshine <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Help with Fleas
>How well does Advantage work?  Do we have to vacuum everyday and rewash
>everything everyday?  I read we need to brush them twice a day, is this
>true?  What else should I be doing to stop the growth of fleas?
When my kids had fleas I tried Advantage, although at the time the vet
cautioned me that no tests had been done with ferrets and she could not
guarantee the product's safety.  She recommended I use half the dosage in
each little tube, which were the ones designed for cats & kittens.  At the
time I lived in a house surrounded by woods and gardens, and with a bunch
of stray cats (not mine) and wildlife in the neighborhood.  So fleas were
pretty much inevitable.
Before resorting to Advantage I tried almost everything else: pyrethrin
(?), a horrible product made from chrysanthemums which was supposedly safe
but which was also ineffective, and stank; shampooing my carpets with salt
water, etc.  I refused to use flea bombs for fear of the toxic effect on my
This battle went on for almost two years before I tried Advantage and
within two months of using it the fleas were GONE.  My kids showed no ill
effects.  It was wonderful!  Thank god, I have no need to use the product
now, but it did work beautifully and after the third dose (once each month,
a few drops at the base of the neck), the fleas never came back.
Good luck!
[Posted in FML issue 2924]