Today is my cleaning the refrigerator and shelf above it day.  Bob C.
chicken soup spilled everywhere.  Think he should be the one to come over
and clean it up.  Shore enuff.  Maybe he could start a Bob C. chicken soup
cleanup committee :-)
Found bottle after bottle of drugs above the refrigerator where I can
barely reach.  I pulled them all down: dozens of bottles from the last 24
months of meds for the ferrets.  They are the quiet testimony of my
ferrets' delicate health and many, many vet visits.
I keep my old meds there in case I forget what medicines we were trying on
a particular ferret.  I do not ever consider using old meds.  But seeing
all of them, I felt it a good reminder to share with all of you: old meds
can be useless or dangerous.  Do not keep them to use in the future on your
animal.  Refrigerated liquid meds have a shelf life of about 6 months.
After your fert is better or not taking that med anymore-get the meds out
of your refrigerator to avoid any confusion or potential disasters.
Lisette, from the ferret drug store
Wishing you a clean refrigerator.
[Posted in FML issue 2924]