This is for all the shelter folks out there.Yes,you are appreciated.
You can tell you're dealing with a shelter operator if :
they greet you at the door bent over,picking up a fresh present.
there is duck soup under the fingernails.
they have a total lack of wearable socks.
there are strange substances found in their hair,sometimes pink,but in a
variety of colors and flavors.
drinks are served in a cup with a lid and a straw.
some of the ice cubes in the freezer are brown in color.
you say you're hungry,and they offer you a brown semi liquid substance in
a small dish.
they roll you up in a blanket and stick a syringe in your mouth,and all you
wanted was two tylenol.
there are a lot of band-aids on their ankles and hands.
they are on a first name basis with the local ferret vet.
their visas are maxed out,and they're wearing worn jeans.
I know,some of these apply to ferret owners too,but in smaller
amounts.Let's face it,we're all fuzzy slaves.
Sandy,Jasmine,Taz,Honey and Sugar
Fosters Boris and Tasha
Missing,Chelsea and Valentine
[Posted in FML issue 2923]