This is the first time I have posted , even though I have been reading
since November.
The first ferret I ever met is my ferret I have now, an albino female
called Ellie, who is now about one year old.  Before that I had met a
polecat that belonged to a friend of mine that was very vicious and a bit
bigger than my ferret now.  Ellie was once a friends, but he was unable to
keep her, and obviously there was no way I could let her go to the RSPCA
(there are approx. 3 ferret shelters in the UK).  So I adopted her, and
have not regretted it since.  Even though she can be hard work, she is
gorgeous and it is a very interesting experience owning a unusual pet.
Taking her for walks always attracts a lot of attention!  I love her to
It strange that in the US ferrets are illegal in some places.  Why is this?
I have done a lot of reading(mainly on the Internet) and feel I understand
most things now.  However, there are no ferret groups or shelters where I
live, and the FML is essential for me.
I have a couple of questions:
a) Both my partner and I work full time and so Ellie is only let out in the
evening.  In the day she lives in a rabbit hutch which is connected to a
run via a tunnel(thanks dad for sorting us out when we arrived home from
college, one penniless ex-student and a ferret with only a small hutch to
call home)!  The complex is fairly big now, although I am planning on
extending it (probably adding on more height to make room for a big branch
for Ellie to climb), I still feel she needs more room and so let her run
round my house for several hours every night.  In the day she mainly sleeps
(are ferrets nocturnal), and I do worry that she is bored.  Would another
ferret be a good idea?  Would another female be best?  After all if you've
got one you might as well have two!  I am worried about the financial
implications of getting another one, and the extra time and room it would
need, but if it improved Ellies quality of life I would be prepared to do
it (and I'm sure I would fall in love with he/she instantly) .  What does
everyone think?  I am also worried that they might not get on (my cats and
Ellie did not exactly hit it off).  Should you get a baby or another adult?
b) What injections do they need, other than distemper?  Rabies is not
needed in the UK though.
c) Why are ferrets so prone to adrenal disease?  Is this caused by diet?
I feed Ellie on a mixture of mainly ferret biscuits with cat food mixed in.
What symptoms should you look out for?
One last thing - Michele and Bandit, my heart goes out to you.  My elderly
female cat has diabetes and we are in the same situation, as we can not
afford the treatment recommended for her.  One saving thought is that
neither situations have a cure.  I also think that as they do not realise
what is going on, daily injections can be disturbing for them.  Let nature
take its course and make Bandits life as good as it can be for the moment.
Thanks for all the advice and knowledge I have gained since subscribing,
take care
x x
[Posted in FML issue 2922]