Many years ago in a galaxy (Kentucky) far, far away; there existed an evil
empire (college).  In this empire there were a few individuals who chafed
under the evil empire's bondage and so chose to rebel.  At one point during
the rebel, when their oppression was at its worst (curfew in the dorms was
being enforced), one brave individual smuggled into the dorm an animal that
was not familiar to most of these rebels.  This animal was a ferret.  A
beautiful sable male ( it had to be a boy, because it was, after all, a
Boys' Dorm).  This ferret raised the morale of not only the rebels in one
Hall but in other halls as the news spread like wild fire.  This animal
became the symbol of rebellion in all of north campus.  Whenever the dorm
rooms were inspected by the evil Darth House Supervisor, the ferret was
quietly moved from dorm to dorm room until the inspections were over with.
Of course these inspections were yet another way to oppress these young
rebels.  This ferret was able to use the good side of the force.  This
meant he had special powers that enabled him to come and go as he pleased
but he always found his way home to his best friend, the rebel that brought
him to live with him in the All-Boy Dorm.  And in return for all the love
and admiration that the rebels gave this ferret, he gave the rebels of
North Campus a symbol for freedom without oppression and all the raisins
you can eat!  It was later that I came to realize that this ferret was a
jedi master.
[Posted in FML issue 2922]