>From:    Lynn Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
> ....I don't have those sources that you mentioned ....
Since I moved in Dec, I don't either, I tossed everything before Jan 98 ,
sorry..  but I clearly recall being sickenned by them while I did have
them.  At least ONE is in BDF-Fox, we all have that.
>I am sure it must hurt for a minute or two, getting the nail clipped
>but I don't think it is that bad.
I regret we cannot speak fluently in 'ferret'.  I feel however that I did
successfully translate the extended excruciating screams which occured
during a few clippings.  Not all, just a few.  For me, if only one out of a
hundred, it's too many.
So, what do we need from the ferret, maybe 10 microliters of blood ??
Lets translate that to human terms.  Let's size up the sample according to
the ratio of body weights.
Weight of human / weight of ferret * 10 microliter = equivalent blood
sample from human.
In my case compared to a small jill, that's over a milli-liter..  fills a
1 CC syringe !!  i.e. I weigh ~100 times a big jill.
My arm is 67 cm long.  My jill's arm is 8 cm if I pull... so let's consider
whacking into your own live sensitive flesh about 8.3 times as far was we
do into the ferret's.
Why don't we all try getting a CC of blood from our owm fingernails and
report our experiences ?
[Posted in FML issue 2921]