Hi all, I need some advice desperately....
My nearly three year old neutered male ferret has lost a lot of weight.  He
also has a bare patch above his left arm.  The vet has done numerous blood
tests and can only find a low white cell count.  He also thinks his spleen
is enlarged.  He wants to do a bone marrow aspiration and then if that's
positive, to do a spleenectomy.  I'm really frightened and I don't know
what to do.
Tally has lost a lot of weight but still seems very active although he
occasionally gets cross.  He's still eating.  I can send you the blood
tests if that will help.
What should I do?  I'd be grateful for any advice, thank you.  If you can
send direct to my e-mail address, that would be great.
Regards, Susan.
[Posted in FML issue 2921]