Faith, if the blood glucose meter works, please let us all know.  We have
2 meters, with their accompanying little button activated stick things.
We would be happy to donate one to a shelter or anyone who could use it.
Blood glucose meters are free to the diabetic community - diabetes is
one of the most well funded diseases there is.  Doctors practically
push the things at you.
Faith, have you tried using the little 'sample collector'?  If you can
become comfortable using it on yourself, it will then be easier to use it
on the ferret.  I use it so infrequently, that I'm extremely squeamish each
time.  But if I do it 2 days in a row, the 2nd day is a piece of cake.
Now if anybody wants our extra meter, it's a SureStep, and the test strips
expired Oct 99.  Not so old they couldn't be used, but test strips when
purchased without a prescription run $35. for 50.
Georgia - the left coast one...
[Moderator's note: My understanding is that the meters do indeed work
for non-humans, but, as Robert mentioned, they are calibrated for people.
And even then, readings vary from brand to brand.  What you are looking
for are general *trends* and relative, not absolute, numbers.
Yeah, and sure the meters are free -- the manufacturers make their money
on the test strips.  Kinda like refills for inkjet printers :-)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2920]