I took Baby in for her blood tests and x-rays.  Surgery is tomorrow.  While
I waited to pay my $550 bill-that covers today and part of the surgery-a
man came in with his ferret.  The little guy had been lethargic for 3 days.
I asked the man if it had eaten or pooped in those days.  He told me he
had no idea.  He said he had 3 ferrets and did not know who did what when.
I was so filled with revulsion and loathing--VERY strong emotion--that I
had to turn my back and walk away.  I could not tell him about the list,
or suggest observation, or ask about possible obstructions, or giving
How do you not have a sick cage?  How could you not be bothered to at least
isolate the animal in a bathroom and see what is what??
**THIS is one of my greatest weaknesses.**I cannot speak when I am overcome
like this.  I cannot.  I feel physically ill, and genuinely repulsed.  You
might as well have spiders crawling all over you and out of your eyes and
It took me almost 50 minutes to emotionally get past what I consider to be
neglect, and sincerely wish I had had the ability to say just the right
words to inspire this man to learn about ferrets.  How bad was he really?
He was at the vet, after all.
Until those 50 minutes had past-
I could have vomited on this guy.  But I truly could not speak.
Far away from perfect,
Praying for my little girl,
[Posted in FML issue 2919]