>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Bob C: PETA, Domestication and Ethics
>In ferrets, this symbiotic relationship exchanges freedom and companionship
>for food, protection and reproduction.  PETA would argue that the ferrets
>have no choice and they are correct.  Ferrets have little say in housing,
>movement, owners, food selection, sexual partners, etc.  My solution is to
>give my ferrets as much freedom as possible; they can select the foods they
>prefer from a wide selection, I allow them freedom of movement (within a
>secure environment), and I treat them with dignity and respect.  True, I
>have mandatory neutering at skeletal maturity, so obviously my solution
>isn't perfect, but it is the best I can do under the circumstances.  I try
>to make our relationship as symbiotic as possible.  Since ferrets are a
>domesticated species, would it be ethical to distroy a symbiotic
>relationship they DEPEND upon?
Well stated, Bob. This is exactly what I've tried to get across to certain
animal "rights" activists who held the position that domestication was
nothing more than enslavement. I would also like to add that I believe that
there are social/emotional benefits to both parties as well, at least in
situations where animals are domesticated for companionship. I know I enjoy
being with my ferrets and love them dearly, and I fully believe that they
enjoy being with me and return my love. It may be presumptuous of me to
think that the original animals chosen for domestication would have
themselves chosen domestication if given the choice, but I do believe that
today's domesticated companion animals enjoy their status as part of human
households. Certainly, improvements could be made in the situations of
many domesticated animals, but to hold the position that all animal
domestication should be ended because some domesticated animals are
subjected to miserable conditions is throwing the baby out with the bath
Mom of Zorro, Claudia, Loki, Fezzik, Crysin, and Kyra Monchichi
"Not knowing everything is all that makes it ok, sometimes."
            --Delirium of the Endless
              from Neil Gaiman's _Brief Lives_
[Posted in FML issue 2918]