Hi Furies and Humans,
My name is Twister.  Thought I'd field this one as Mom thought I needed
some typing practice and I love to work the mouse.  My Mom and Dad thought
very long and hard about all our names and some of us ended up waiting for
days.  So here goes-I was named as above because I go through the house
like an F5 tornado and turn on a dime AND if you don't call my name like
the Taco Bell dog talks I won't respond-Jasmine, well I guess she looks
like a princess to my humans( mom calls her Jaz-e-men-girl )-Zeus cause he
thinks he's a Greek god and acts the part-Apollo, after the space missions,
he loves to climb to new heights-Tigger, he loves to bounce you should see
him in snow,-Q, she does posses unlimited power( you should have seen the
way she overpowered mom's upper lip tonight )-and last but not least
Wolfgang Amadeus, not much on the music stuff but can sure make mom do lots
of new moves by grabbing her toes.
Mom's telling us it's time for bed now and we all know what that
means-TREAT TIME, but before we go to sleep we always say a prayer for
all the furies of the world that are homeless, sick, or that have crossed
over our special bridge.
Goodnight from the Furry Clan and their Humans
[Posted in FML issue 2945]