Hello to everyone, just wanted to share a couple of things.  First of all I
have a great husband!!  He gave me a new watch and a pair of earrings with
ferrets.  They are great and so cute.  The watch has a ferret on the face
and the earrings are pewter, being made so they stay up right on the ear.
I think he got them from the ferretstore.  Next, I was wondering if anyone
has a ferret that makes strange noises.  When Sweetie gets into the hammock
with the three other girls she cuddles in and then starts a strange little
noise.  At first we thought she was dreaming or even in discomfort.  It is
sorta like a whining oh a cross between whining and purring like a cat.
Today I was holding her in my arms and petting her and she started doing it
with me.  I hope that this is a good noise like she is happy and content.
Last of all I went to a new pet store called Pet Emporium.  I was very
impressed when I found out that the manager is taking home the tiny
Marshall Farms ferrets coming in to young and getting them going before
letting them be sold.  She has nine of her own and when I asked about how
many they had sold over the holidays, the sales girl stated they didn't
carry ANY ferrets over the holidays.  She also stated that the ferret is
the most miss understood animal being sold in the pet stores.  The sales
girl told me that one little tiny ferret had latched on to her between the
thumb and finger and they had a time getting him to let go.  That was her
first experience of the poor little thing being starved and not having
eaten on its trip from MF.
It is to bad that all pet stores are not knowledgeable or caring on not
only ferrets but all the animals they have in the pet stores.  Well, I have
gone on long enough.
Prayers to all the sick ferrets and their owners.
Penny and the 10 Great Ones
[Posted in FML issue 2944]