I am writing you all to warn you.  An older ferret came to my shelter
today.  She is totally blind and the owner said that he thinks she is 5.
The owner Felt it was good to feed her stale cheerios for treats, and
couldn't even give me the name of the Ferret food she is use to eating
other than it didn't look like the kibble in the bowls of my other
ferrets.  He chose to give her up for adoption because she is old and blind
(cateracks (sp?)).  Then saw some of my other ferrets and pointed one out
saying that would be his next Ferret.
I got very upset with him and did yell at him, not only because he wised to
get rid of her because of her age and blindness but because he had brought
her to me asking that I put her to sleep.  I of course refused him and told
him that I would take her at no cost to him all he had to do was give her
over to me.  He did just that.
I grabbed the bottle of Ferritone from the ferret shelf and started asking
him questions.  He pointed out the Ferret vitimans and said that is what
they would give her.  I offered her the bottle of Ferritone, he then said
that he had never given it to her because he always gave the vitamins.  I
asked about hairball or laxatives he uses and he said that he never used
them.  I asked if her poop was unusually smelly or green, or if she had
been eating well.  His answer was if you asked my wife she would say it
stinks to high heaven however i must be use to it because the smell really
does not bother me.  (he never answered the question on how she had been
eating) She is missing a very very small patch of fur at the base of her
tail and on her rump, I fear the worst Adrenal.  Durning the questioning I
set the feritone bottle down and She started showering my hand with kisses!
She is an absolute lover.
He called her Runt I do not believe this is an apropriate or fitting name
for her.  What do you say people lets put our heads togather and send me
some suggestions for names.
As well this same man insists that he will be getting another younger
ferret.  I would urge you all to refuse him, if he comes to you.  I will
be happy to give you his name through a private e-mail but I will not post
it over the list.
UPDATE since the writing of original message!
Well we noticed she had not been eating, we removed the kibble from her
kennel and put a modified Chicken gray in with her.  She sniffed at it but
wouldn't eat.  So I pulled her out of the kennel and dipped my finger into
the food, She licked it off my finger, then I placed some on my hand and
she ate it faster than I could get it on my hand We got a baby spoon and
she cleaned the spoon off then shoved her head into the gravy and started
eating away.  When she can her fur was course almost wiry and very matted,
just from a good bath her fur has softened up considerable.  She has pirked
up a good deal and was investigating her kennel (bumping around alot but
she has not hurt herself yet doing it) We are seeing an exteam change in
her in just a few hours of intense cuddling and care.  Now if we can only
get a real name for her.
Thank you
Dawning Sky Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2943]