To all of you who have recently lost babies, I am extremely sorry.  I cry
everyday when I read of all the tragedies - it is all so upsetting.
To BIG, I just want to thank you for doing such a fabulous job with this
list.  It is definitely NOT an easy task.
Unfortunately folks, in reflecting on the past year and all of the
dishonesty and immoral things that I have seen go on in the Washington
State ferret community, I have now decided to keep to myself and continue
to help ferrets privately.  I am still going to work with a group of 250
members that are more of a rescue operation here, than a club with parties.
I will also continue to inform the pet stores around here of the illegal
activity that has gone on with the officers of the ferret association.
It is so disheartening to me that these people have turned out to be so
hypocritical and also disappointing to me that I ever supported them.
Right now, I have been trying to dispel some of the myths that a particular
breeder here has been posting.  Unfortunately, this breeder pretty much
"owns" a mailing list here and some people are still pretty naive to what
has gone on.  I probably wont post on the FML because I am just plain tired
of dealing with such people.  I have made many great friends on the FML,
and to you, I am grateful.  Sadly, Washington State has some pretty crazy
ferret-owning people and these people continue to market themselves as
ferret experts.  Upon reflection, I think that I just need a break from all
of it.  These people know who they are and are probably cheering at the
idea that they are finally going to get away with what they did.  I am
quite sure that the breeder I have referred to above, (she knows who she
is also) will enjoy my departure.
I have been asked to move to San Diego, but cannot do it because I do not
want to give up my fuzzies or take the risk.  I do not like Washington
State, so it has been a really hard decision for me to make.  My husband is
now looking into some other states that he can transfer to, a state with
four seasons not just rain and a two-week summer.  Colorado is one state
that we have been considering.  If there is a ferret organization in
Colorado that is run by SANE people, I would love to hear about it.  It is
hard to move to an area where you do not know anybody.  Wherever we end up
going - it must include my fuzzies since they ARE my children.
To all of you, take care and enjoy every moment you have with these
precious creatures!  Don't waste your time on those who are not worth it.
Over and out~
[Posted in FML issue 2918]