I have several ferrets in the past twenty years.  I had a few that had
adernal problems.  Swollen vuluas were one of the early signs, but also
hair loss.  I know that a kidney or bladder infection can cause a female's
vulua to swell.  But has anyone had a problem, after changing your Cat
litter.  I had recently changed litter to one with a deoderant.  (By
Accident) My youngest female Gracie_Ellen vulua swoll overnite.  My vet
knows little about ferrets.  I'm usually the one, who calls most of the
shots with my guys.  She is quiet heathly,no hair loss,just a swollen
vulua.  I tempted to put her on an antibotic, or let it run its course a
couple of days.  I've change back to my regular litter.  Is their anyone
out there,experience this with a ferret?  I've been through alot with my
guys.  This just puzzles me..
A Ferret Mamma
Denise Peddington Davis
Thank You
[Posted in FML issue 2942]