Hi all
Da tubes races were a whole lot of fun.  Noelle and Soly didn't win but
they did well.  They have a lot of growing yet to get better.
A little guy came in today.  He said his name waz Zues.  I gave him a tour
of da place.  It took all I could do to keep up with him.  He wanted to see
everything and do everything at once.  He settled down for a snack at da
Cheerio Chain for a little while.  He then went over to da Crazy Kars for a
ride.  He needs a whole lot of practice on his driving.  Lucky for him no
real harm can come to him here or he would have been in traction by now.
He said to give his luv and lots of cuddles to his mommy and daddy.
A little girl came in later.  She said her name waz Podo.  I gave her a
tour.  She waz interested in da Fruit Bar where she settled down for a
little snack.  She waz interested in da Flying Lesson.  She settled down
to watch them and she looked contented to do dat for a while.  I asked her
why she didn't give it a try and set her up with a teacher.  She waz kinda
tenative at first but soon waz getting da hang of it.  She said to send her
luv to her mommy and to say hi to all her aunts amd uncles there.
Went over to da Ferretone Flood just to see if Eben waz there.  Well I waz
kinda surprised, as he waz there.  His mommy knows him pretty good.  I
talked to him a bit.  Told him dat his mommy missed him and he said he
missed her to and his friend Sammi.  He said to send his luv and lots of
Well it haz been a long day here.  I think I will take a little nap.  I
think I am getting a little lazy here.  Gotto go
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 2941]