I am pretty sure the day I dreaded has arrived.  Last month, I had a second
opinion done on my ferret, Sneeuw (albino 5 year old) because I was worried
about her and he agreed I was probably going to start seeing adrenal
symptoms soon.  She has now lost a patch of hair along her back between
the hind legs and now I can see what a swollen vulva is before.  All my
previous worrying can be seen mote in evidence of the actual swelling.  I
have read the faq but am confused about some things.  How soon should
surgery be done?  And during reading I was confused as to if adrenal
actually kills or stuff that follows is what kills?  I want what's best for
her.  My only concern about surgery is her state.  She will not eat solid
food.  She is eating science a/d only and occasionally the cereal oh's.
So I am worried she is in a weak state.  Before yesterday she was running
as normal and inquisitive.  Yesterday she spent a lot of time playing flat
ferret but she ate so I wasn't too worried but today she was quieter and
she only ate once at night.  I'm calling my vet for an appointment tomorrow
(well later today - am writing this early (2am est) wed. morning).  I just
wanted additional feedback.
Thanks in advance,
[Posted in FML issue 2940]