I am sorry to see that someone else has had the same response I did
regarding posting for a fuzz and things kinda going awry.
It is funny that some people have gotten rather nasty about not being able
to obtain the ferret listed that needs a new home.  We should all be happy
that Taylor, Tito and whatever other fuzz gets listed finds a safe place,
whether it is a shelter or new home (or they remain in what was a foster
home!).  If some people are so determined to take in a needy rescue, check
out the FML's Shelter List, there are fuzzies all over this country in
needy situations.  If you are so hell bent on saving somebody, just take
the iniitative to go out and look, needy fuzzies exist in every state!
But the point about no one wanting a follow-up on sick or old ferrets, that
could not be more true!  People were fighting over Taylor because she was
young and healthy, I posted more than a month ago about 2 senior ferrets (4
and 7) needing to be placed quickly.  Not one single person stood up and
said, boy I would love to take them in!  Why???  Because they are old,
because they don't have much time left, they might be a financial burden???
Why don't they deserve to be fought over also??  Are they not worth your
time and consideration?  Sorry I've been a little upset over the whole
controversy, espcially since those two old guys now live with me and let me
say, I've never made a better choice about any fuzzy!  I have a fugitive
fuzz that was going to be put down because he was vicious, now he is
extremely sweet and a big marshmallow.  I have another that was too hyper
and nippy and was handed over to an SPCA, well Jack is deaf and with time
and love he is now a pretty well behaved guy.  We have one little girl who
was left in a dark, damp basement for 6 months and was barely a skeleton
when she came home from a local shelter, now she is a lively, loving little
girl who lives to chase my daughter.  But, out of all of them, no one has
touched my heart or everyone who meets him like Moe.  He is a 7 year old
dark sable, almost blind, with adrenal who arrived about 2 weeks ago.  He
is the sweetest, most loving fuzz, his only want is a warm lap or arm to
curl up on or maybe he might get demanding and want his head rubbed.  But,
don't count him out, he can still play with the youngest and comes out on
top when there is a wrestling match!
I would not trade the little time we have with this old guy for all the
young, healthy fuzzies in the world!!  For everyone fighting over the 1 and
2 year olds, you have no clue what you are missing out on!!  Many people
sent me emails urging me to take these guys in, I've sent thank yous to
most of them (I hope!!) to let them know that they were right, I've made
one of the best ferret decisions of my life.  Shame all of us do not get
a chance to learn this lesson about life, both with fuzzies and with the
human seniors in our own families and communities.  They may be older, but
it is amazing how much they have to offer.  Maybe someone fighting over
Taylor should consider a fuzz that is truly in a needy situation, the older
guys have much less time and so fewer chances to enjoy what is left of
life.  Try fighting for one of them and see what the rewards are.
Hugs to all,
[Posted in FML issue 2940]