First I want to say that I think Liane Beckwith and Charleen Schuster have
done a tremendous job of dealing with ferrets brought into the Washington
Ferret Assn. shelter.  I think last year it worked out about 100 ferrets
brought in and 90 placed.  Several people from the club have shown up on
weekends to help these two hardworking women clean cages and tend to the
ferrets, so I have heard.  Another great operator, who really goes out of
her way is Tracy of the Ferret Rescue of Spokane.  Great little lady that
has placed so many ferrets I don't even know the number.  We have some
really great ferret people in Washington state.
Judith M.
Moonsong Ferrets  Bred to be socially acceptable.  &
[Posted in FML issue 2939]