OK I was going to just let this rid and hope that it blew over but it seems
that to many kind and generous people are getting hurt.  First I wrote a
long apology to Margert explaining why I said what I did and that maybe I
didn't say it in exactly the way I should have.  I have a very bad problem
of putting my foot in my mouth by meaning one thing and the way I word it
someone takes it the wrong way.  Jennifer had nothing to do with placing
this little girl all she did was notify us that there was a ferret needing
a home.  Thanks to her Taylor has been saved and is here until we find her
a good home.  We want to place Taylor in a good permanent home but there is
no rush and we can wait until that home is found.  As far as filling out an
application we require that of all our possible adopters as I am sure every
shelter/rescue does.  We would be as bad as a pet store if we just let
anyone coming to the door walk out with a ferret.  We try to ensure that
once a ferret is placed in a home that it will loved and cared for the
rest of it's life and towards that means we need to obtain background
information.  I am sorry she took offense to the way that I stated what
needed to be done in order for her to adopt one of our ferrets, and like I
stated I wrote her an apology for the misunderstanding and told her that if
she would fill out an application she would be more than welcome to apply
for adoption of Taylor.  I hope this clears this matter up and that there
is no need for anyone to send hate mail on my behalf as I can take care of
and defend both myself and our shelter.  As for the death threats, that
person should have their computer taken away and banned from ever using
one again.
Jim Higgins/ Widget's Halfway House =
[Posted in FML issue 2937]