Hello every one!  My name is Heather, I had wanted to get a ferret for a
long quite a wile and finally on November 25 th 1999 I got a Silver Mitt
Female, from a Friends for animals program.  She is under one year old and
sweet as can be, the people at Friends for animals called her Stinky Sally,
I renamed her Lilly, and it fits her!  I wanted to find out about the
Little Blaze Boy that needs a home my Lilly needs a friend and I am willing
to travel!!!  I am fairly close, i hope he is not gone yet!?!  I have tryed
to e-mail the lady with him sevral times with no luck, so PLEASE PLEASE
PLEASE e-mail me and let me know about the little boy I would really like
him!  you can reach me at [log in to unmask] He would go to a very good
home!!!  If any body would like to e-mail me please do so I like getting
Heather and
[Posted in FML issue 2936]