Hi everyone.
I've moved into a new apartment and have regained custody of my two silver
mitts after about 4 months.  Mischief and Nietra seem to be quite happy
with their new home.  They run around dooking and clucking all the time
(this is major for Nietra since I adopted her when she was three and had
been neglected/abused.  She didn't make any sounds for a long time.)
Anyway, Mischief is a few years younger than Nietra and has always been
more active.  He sometimes chases her and pins her down or drags her off
by her neck or scruff.  Since they've moved here, he's doing this all the
time.  They're screeching and hissing at each other.  Mischief keeps biting
her and dragging her off behind furniture.
What's going on?  Is it a territorial thing?  Is the new place bringing out
the mischief in him?  They've been staying in the same cage for 8 months or
so, but I'm starting to rethink this.  They're getting let out more than
they ever have (I'm home a lot more than the previous parent).  I'm really
at a loss here.
Should I try Bitter Apple again?  We used this when we first brought him
home as a hyper baby so he wouldn't pounce on his sister so much.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 2935]