Hi all,
I know this topic was done about two weeks ago, but I confess that I'm 2
weeks behind in the FML (and slowly increasing - you know how it is).
Ahh well.
My first ferret sighting (apart from the television where I just didn't
notice) was almost exactly a year ago.  I'd returned from the Christmas
break and had been retrenched (which was expected, I suppose, just not
that quickly) and was "down" in mood but "up" in money.  I was living near
Bronte in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs in a house with 2 Siamese cats owned by
my flatmate.  I was walking down the street one day and saw a pet store
called "Bizarre Pets".  I've always been an animal person and I confess I
was intrigued.  The shop was full of kids on holidays and one of them was
holding a squirming white wriggly thing.  They told me it was a ferret.
I picked her up - one of the boys there had named her Tabitha - and she
promptly bit me on the nose.  I guess you could say it was love at first
bite :-)
I spent about 1/2 hour in the pet shop reading every bit of literature the
lady had, and walked out with her, a cage and very little knowledge.  A
month later I got Endora from the same pet store (I didn't know there were
shelters) and we're still going strong.  Tabitha is still inclined to bite
strangers, but not me thankfully !  Dora is much less inclined and is a
little cuddly rascal.  I got her younger and I handled her a lot from the
I love my ferrets, I don't know what I'll do when they (eventually) go,
and I wouldn't give them up for anything.
I guess that's it from me,
Tabitha ("One bite and you were hooked") and Dora ("I'm sickly sweet")
in Sydney Australia (where it's currently BOILING hot).
[Posted in FML issue 2934]