Lizzi wrote:
>Linda Iroff suggested that I had presented the true facts and that maybe
>this pet wouldn't have been the best for her son.  This woman would have
>hit me on the spot at the mere suggestion that I try to tell her anything
>about HER son!!
Just a clarification.  I did not mean to say ferrets would not be a good
pet for her son because of a behavior disorder.  In fact, ferrets can have
an excellent influence some children with autism for example.  (There were
some touching posts here about that recently.)
But I feel there are enough negatives about ferrets that you can discourage
a potential owner without calling them smelly or vicious.  Pooping all
over, digging up the carpet, plants and sofa, chewing on shoes, stealing
and hiding things, and so on.  Makes me wonder why any of us put up with
the little critters... :-)
But I remember why now: Joy!
Anyway, Lizzi shows a true love of ferrets and I'm very glad she
discouraged that woman from getting one.
Linda Iroff
Oberlin OH
[Posted in FML issue 2934]