Thanks for your help Jeff.  I am going to put some newspaper or maybe even
plastic down so Banx doesn't leave marks on the floor.  i'm glad your
little Penny hit the spot.  I can't wait for Banx to hit hers all of the
time, outside the box.
We hold both Banx and Buttons when we show them each other.  Buttons sniffs
her then after a min paws at her.  One time my mom had Banx out and didnt
realize buttons was down.  Well, Banx walked right in front of Buttons and
didnt do anything.  So, I dont know for sure what will happen but that one
time buttons was fine.  Buttons really likes Banx's ferret food too.
Sometimes she will sneak in the cage if I forget to close the door and wil
eat it.  But Banx goes to his too, so they are even there.  I hope some day
they can play.  Banx wants to be friends but I am not sure about Buttons.
But Buttons always hangs around at Banx's cage.  I dont know maybe some day
I wont worry so much.
Thank you for alll of your help
cya later
Laura and Banx
[Posted in FML issue 2933]