I posted yesterday about the Tampa ferret needing a home.  In addition to
that contact, I also had two other emails from people looking for help in
placing their ferrets.  I was a bit dumbfounded regarding how these people
found me as I am not a shelter and my name is not listed anywhere as such!!
I called upon the services of a hacker friend of mine in solving this
riddle.  Long story short, we placed a false ad and were able to figure
out that there is person who has been scanning the pet ads on several
sites (i.e., Yahoo, Excite, etc.) and has replied to several that are in
desperate need giving MY email address as the sender.  FYI - If you respond
to a Yahoo ad, you must actually type in your email address.  My computer
nerd was able to track the sending computer and contacted the person via
email.  The person admitted to being a FML reader, but blocked our emails
after 2 sends.
I am hoping this person reads this message and understands why we took such
actions to find you.  I don't want to identify the party, I believe no harm
was meant.  I am flattered that you believed I was a person willing to get
involved with unwanted ferrets and you were indeed correct.  I don't even
mind you giving my name and email to someone in need, but please let me
know when you do this.  If you have time to monitor the ads for needy
fuzzies, I will be happy to help when there is a real need, but I do need
to know when this will happen.  This week is crazy and it caught me off
guard getting 3 emails within 24 hours asking for help.  I took in those
two old guys last Saturday and my daughter's birthday is Thursday.  I am
not angry and I do like to help, I am willing to help.  I just need to be
a little more involved!!  I'm not a shelter, don't pretend to be one - I
stand in awe of those of truly are, you are incredible humans!
By the way - thanks to everyone in Florida who responded to yesterdays post
about the little girl.  There was a flood of responses!
Hugs to everyone,
Jen and Gang
[Moderator's note: On the other hand, I have little patience for people
who "harvest" emnail addresses from FMLs.  I will permanently unsubscribe
anyone whom I can confirm is doing this.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2933]