re: Sheila NFWS.
Dear FML, okay okay enough e mail on the subject of breeding, how about i
only breed from 2 Jill's and use my friends vasectomised hob to bring the
other 2 Jill's out of season.  That means i have about 10 new Jill's to
work and only a few hobs to home considering the odds on the births eh?
would that reasonable considering i have a lot of farms to work next season
and has for the vet he is top quality and even gives me a discount on call
out charges.  I have a friend who has recently moved to the east coast who
is in the process of building a huge court for himself has he too has a lot
of land to work.  So to the question of hobs i have the good word of two
lady friends that they want a pair each.Adresses can be supplied for them
if you wish.  I have bred ferrets before and considering i searched the
web for this list must mean i am not irresponsible in my breeding methods?
I did have plans to expand my court this summer but seen has i am only
breeding from 2 jills now the project has been put back somewhat.  To
feeding the five thousand i have chest freezers packed with various game
and also have a good deal with several butchers shops for various choice
cuts of meat and they get the odd biscuits.  We all know of horror storys
but not every one who breeds can be tarred with the same brush.  Has for
the ferret rescue that you run i think you are doing a great job but you
will never come across one of my ferrets there
[Posted in FML issue 2932]