I was catching up on my mail today.  I saw that Jeff is having the same
problem I am.  My Banx gets to run around my room all night or sleep in my
bed with me when she gets tired.  I let her have her freedom from the cage
all night long.  Well she has been going on the rug in two corners.  I went
out and got a litter box and tied it down, so Banx doesn't flip it over.
Well, now at night she will go right in front of the liter box.  She just
needs to make a step into the box and go reverse, but she doesnt, yet.
Sometimes, while I am up I chase her and put her in the box when she is
going to her spot, but this still hasn't helped when I am not there.  I
am still working on it though.  I have picked up her droppins on the floor
and put them in her box, but still she goes in front of the box.  I guess
I will try and catch her more often, but its hard when you are sleeping.
Also, we have a cat in our house.  I am very afraid to let my cat near
Banx.  Buttons has pawed at Banx and went to bite her.  I do let Buttons
and Banx sniff each other every day, but Buttons is still trying to paw at
her a minute later.  I am not 100% sure, but maybe 90% that Buttons is not
playing.  So Banx gets to run around when Buttons is upstairs sleeping, but
this is under supervision.
Banx will run in Buttons' litter box and swim in it, she even pooped in it
once, too.  But, that was just once, when we were cleaning out Banx's cage.
She likes to swim in it the most.  It is funny, but we pull her out quickly.
dooks to everyone and I hope all sick ferrets get well soon.
Have a great day
Laura and Banx
[Posted in FML issue 2931]