Hi everyone,
I wanted to let those of you near Portland, Maine or near the Lakes Region,
know the Lake Region Ferret Fanatics will be holding it's next meeting on
Thursday, Jan 20 at the Windham Community Center (Town Hall annex) from
6pm - 8pm.
We have moved our monthly meeting from Harrison to Windham in the hopes
that it will be more convenient and more people will be able to attend.
LRFF is an active and fun group most recently hosting the Ferret Education
day at the Pet Quarters in Auburn and at the 10th Anniversary Open House
at Bridgton Veterinary Hospital.
Our members range in age from early teens on up.  Please come join us for a
fun and informative evening.  And if you can't attend but would like to be
part of our information network (for ferret education, rescue, adoption and
fun) please let me know.
[Posted in FML issue 2930]