Just a few random things....
First off, for those in the New York area (I believe this magazine isn't
nationwide), this week's "New York Magazine" has a cover story on the
Animal Medical Center.  Ferrets are mentioned on the cover, and inside
there is a full page photo of one of the doctors holding a ferret.  The
article mentions the ban on ferrets (and also, as my boyfriend likes to
call him, Rudy Mussolini *S*) in NYC, how the AMC does not follow this ban
(they gladly help ferrets), and a quick mention of a man whose "door was
broken down" to confiscate and "behead" him ferret which "allegedly" bit
someone.  If you don't know much about the AMC, it is quite an interesting
read (I actually cried about the story of a rat who died, and was amazed by
the practices of these vets-they seem wonderful).
Re: Kens, the one who posted about the policies of shelters.  I wanted to
post my support.  I do not agree with some policies I have come across in
my own search to help needy fuzzies.  I understand checking leases, to make
sure the fuzzy is going to a ferret friendly home.  But with something like
calling my employer, that is *way* over the line.  That is *my* buisness.
If you were to see how much I make (not including my boyfriend's paycheck),
you would see that I can't, alone, take care of *all* the needs of my kids,
plus the bills, etc.  *But*, what you wouldn't see is the support I receive
from my family, and my boyfriend's family.  This alone, if needed to be
used, would take care of everything.  When needed, my money goes towards
the ferrets first.  I do understand each shelter is different, and works on
a case-to-case basis.  But I do think that in the cases of those shelters
who make it nearly impossible to adopt, you guys need to rethink what you
are doing.  I brought this up to my boyfriend, who had a ferret growing
up, and he was saying that if he didn't know me, and wanted a ferret, he
wouldn't even know about these shelters.  And if he did, some of these
applications would scare him away from even trying to adopt.  And some seem
so strict that he probably wouldn't even *be* accepted (if he was a first
time ferret owner).  I do realize that these are just his opinions, but
when you think about it, how true is this for many who want to adopt?  I
know that I have wanted to, and am very confident in the care I give to my
guys.  But in all honesty, a lot of these applications make it a lot easier
to go get a fert from a pet store.  Again, I understand most of the ideas
and reasons behind these steps, and if you would like to comment on my
comments, please direct it to my email, because I'm sure some wouldn't want
this to turn out like the "nail cutting for blood" string did. :)   For
Kens, I really wish you all the luck in finding a special needs ferret.
There is so much emphasis (with some people) on kits, and I hear a lot
about shelters not being able to adopt out the old, or less fortunate (in
the physical dept.) because the younger ones go first, that if someone
wants to open up their hearts and homes to those who need special care,
then they should be commended.  Good luck.
If someone could email me information about the WarmFuzzy show in February,
it would be appreciated.  Like their last show, I have waited until a
couple of weeks before that I want to go.  Last time I was unable to make
it (found out the day before), and really want to make the 3 or so hour
trip this time around.  I'll need directions and the like (requirements
on bringing a fert to the show), because even Mapquest can't help a
directionless fool like me. :)
Thanks to everyone who emailed me about Samson, and his sudden love of my
flesh.  He's going to go to the vet this week.  Since I posted the other
day, he hasn't bitten, but we want to be safe.
Non-fert related (sorry)--Does anyone know of a service where I can take in
pictures to be scanned onto a disk?  I want to put up photos of the kids on
a web page, and my scanner is garbage.
Sorry for the long post.  Hope everyone and their fuzzies are well.
Jaymi + the 9 Poughkeepsie Chubby Monkies who want their names listed this
*Leroy, Petra, Samson, Calvin, Heidegger, Joe, Phil, Madigan, and Floyd*
(Still missing Bubba, Bear, Kirby, Oppie, Podo, and Bo)
[Posted in FML issue 2930]