Had to post to say that those two old ferrets (well one is middle age
actually!) that needed a new home are coming to stay with us early tomorrow
afternoon (Saturday).  As much as I worry about the emotional involvement,
we are very excited over their arrival and the time they will have to spend
with us.
We did get bad news from the vet visit.  The older guy (7 years) shows
signs of early adrenal.  At this age, I did not think surgery would be
adviseable, but we will consider other possibilities to make his time
with us as long and happy as possible.
My heart goes out to all those older fuzzies waiting in shelters for
someone to take them home.  I know they are not the most desirable
adoptions, but in my heart I know we are doing the right thing taking in
these two guys instead of sentencing them to the remainder of their life
in a shelter or worse....
Here is hoping that just one person reading this will decide to take in one
of those older guys that has been waiting for so long....
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 2929]