Hi Kristeen-
I'm glad you kept Al, and that everything worked out for both of you!  I
was referring to ferrets that had not yet been purchased being euthanized
s opposed to being returned.  I wrote and signed an informal 'release of
liability' for Girlie.  Since she was 'given' to me, I didn't receive a
certificate/warranty stating her approximate birthdate, which I really
wanted.  (Only for the birthdate).
Meghan: I am NOT 100% certain on this, but I'm pretty sure the vulva
swelling could be caused by adrenal gland disease.  I don't believe she
would necessarily have to exhibit the patterned hair loss to have it.  At
least not early on.  AGAIN, I am NOT certain.  If I were you, I would check
with a vet and search the FML archives, too.  I know several web addresses
were posted within the past few weeks regarding ferret medical info.  If
you can't find them, e-mail me.  I'll find and give them to you.
[Posted in FML issue 2929]